


The experimental rocketry department was founded with the goal of increasing access to space and the upper atmosphere for educational institutions, students, and researchers.


Our mission is develop new ways to decrease the cost of sending scientific missions to space. We are developing new technologies to reduce to cost of rocket launches. Our short term goal is to develop a sounding rocket to reach the upper atmosphere and study climate changes in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere. In the long term, we will experiment with never before tried methods of space launch, such as railgun assisted launches and thermal rockets.


The skills required are heavily dependent on which subdivision you will be working in. The skills in highest demand are experience in hardware programming (ie. arduino, raspberry pi), higher mathematics, thermodynamics, advanced physics and chemistry. If you do not possess any of these skills, do not worry. We will help you come up with a plan to foster a useful skill. What we most need are people who are driven, determined, resourceful, and detail oriented.

Designing the 100,000 ft Rocket
Our Prototype Calculations
The Preliminary Design

We plan to move quickly and rapidly improve our technology. In order to do this, all members must fulfill their tasks assigned my their managers. Tasks will be divided so you will not have an overwhelming amount of work individually, but this arrangement depends on everyone completing the assignments assigned to them.